Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Wildflower Thicket

I was able to spend the entire day of Friday outside working in the garden and the yard.  The weather was gorgeous and nature was in abundance.  Of course there are always things outside that distract me from the task at hand and I soon found myself down at my wildflower thicket with camera in hand:
Part of my wildflower thicket.  It's about 40 feet long by 5 feet wide
and here are some of the things I love about it:

Bee on the Pea

Dragonfly in the Light of Day

Ladybug Hugs

Old Field Toadflax

Yellow Vigna, also known as Cowpea

Of course I did manage to make it to my garden and do some work.
Spring in full bloom:
Cuban Buttercup

Munching Monarch Caterpillar

The Marigolds I planted are now blooming in yellow and orange

One of my three Passion Vines

Pink Pentas...I also have white and red blooming.

One of my Plumeria plants 


 I planted red, yellow, pink and white Plumeria.

I love my Powder Puff bush.  Every year it gets bigger!

My Strawflower bloomed a twin!
 Two flower heads fused together on one stem.

And finally, a Bachelor Button ready to bloom with a little texture added:

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful weekend full of floral delights and maybe even some ladybug hugs!
Mulch Love,


Lita said...

You've got the coolest yard ever!!! Great set of pics too!

Laura said...

Thanks! You'll have to come over with macro in tow and spend a day in the garden with me!